Sharayah's BookShelf
What better way to get to know someone than to peek at their bookshelf?
Come As You Are
By: Emily Nagoski, Ph. D.
The sex therapist nerd in me loves this book as it explains many things I try to explain to my clients on a weekly basis but this author says it so well! I recommend this book often to men and women who want to improve their knowledge and understanding of how women work not just sexually but also emotionally.
The Four Agreements
By: Don Ruiz
This book is one that has stuck with me for years, but I never would have picked up if a mentor had not made me. It is more "hippie dippy" than most other things I read. The focus of this book challenges the way I look at many situations while helping me practice a healthier view of the world around me. I recommend this book to clients who are struggling with rigid thinking but not to those with trauma.
The Whole-Brain Child
By: Daniel Siegel
All parents should read this book, and all people who have parents should read this book. When working with a client struggling to understand their child's reactions, I often find myself quoting this book. If you want to understand how your brain is wired and responds to stressful situations, this is a great way to start.
What Happened to You?: Conversations on Trauma, Resilience, and Healing
By: Oprah Winfrey & Bruce D. Perry
I love how this book shares the science of trauma with relatable stories. I recommend this book to clients who struggle to understand that their trauma responses are understandable. For people who have tried the "Body Keeps the Score" but became overwhelmed this is an easier read.
Drama Free: A Guide to Managing Unhealthy Family Relationships
by Nedra Glover Tawwab
I talk about boundaries in almost every session with each of my clients. This book has a great way of not only defining different types of boundaries but also gives concrete examples of how to verbalize boundaries with others.
The Hot Young Widows Club: Lessons on Survival from the Front Lines of Grief
by Nora McInerny
I see this book as a great resource for people who have recently loss someone or those who want to support a grieving person. My favorite part is the explanation of mental load; don't ask a grieving person what they need- tell them you are bringing over groceries.